The European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour (ESSSB) takes place every two years and is considered one of the most important international meetings exploring suicidal behaviours and suicide prevention.
This year, beautiful, historic Rome and it’s glorious sunshine provided the perfect setting for a very engaging meeting.
Several members of the NSRF team attended the conference, which took place 28th – 31st August.
The NSRF team exchanged knowledge and experiences with others in attendance, and heard about the latest challenges and innovation surrounding global mental health and suicide prevention.

Below is a list of our team members who attended the conference and the titles of their presentations.
For more information on any of the presentation or projects, please email infonsrf@ucc.ie
Dr Eve Griffin
- Social Determinants of Suicide: An Umbrella Review
Professor Ella Arensman
- Bridging the Treatment Gap for Depression and Suicidal Behaviour: EAAD’ s 4-Level Approach for Stigma Reduction and Help-Seeking Facilitation
- Mental Health Promotion and Intervention in Occupational Settings: MENTUPP
- Implementation and Evaluation of National Suicide Prevention Programmes – A Global Perspective
Dr Paul Corcoran
- Surveillance of Self-Harm and Suicide in Ireland and the Impact on Public Health Policy – Progress and Challenges
Dr Isabela Troya
- Healthcare Practitioners’ Views on Management Practices of Self-Harm in Older Adults: A Qualitative Study Conducted in Ireland
Dr Eibhlin Walsh
- An Investigation of the Impact of Patient Suicide on the Personal and Professional Lives of Psychiatrists and Psychiatrists in Training in Ireland
- An Evaluation of the Minding Your Wellbeing Programme Adapted for Veterinary Medicine Students in Ireland
- A meta-ethnography of adolescents’ perspectives on and experiences with post-primary school-based suicide prevention (Poster Presentation)
Dr Selena O’Connell
- Understanding Variation in Clinical Management of Hospital-Presenting Self-Harm: A Qualitative Study of the Implementation of a National Clinical Programme

Dr Grace Cully
- Physical and Mental Health Impacts of Suicide Bereavement: Findings From a National Household Survey in Ireland (Delivered by Dr Eve Griffin)