The National Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Project

Project Overview

The NSRF collaborates with the HSE on the implementation and evaluation of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) in both adult and child and adolescent mental health services across Ireland.

In the first phase of this work, the National DBT Project Ireland was established in 2013 through funding provided by the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention.

Following the completion of an extensive evaluation, a HSE National DBT Training team, funded by the Department of Health and HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention, was established in 2021 to deliver a national DBT training programme. A comprehensive evaluation of the newly proposed DBT training model is being undertaken.

Project Aims

  • To assess the acceptability of the newly proposed DBT training model.
  • To assess the quality and effectiveness of interventions delivered by clinicians who train via the new DBT
    training model.
  • To measure attitudinal change of clinicians who partake in this training towards the target client population(s).
  • To assess the cost-effectiveness of the training model.

Recent Publications

Flynn, D., Gillespie, C., Joyce, M., & Spillane, A. (2023). An evaluation of the skills group component of DBT-A for parent/guardians: A mixed methods study. Irish journal of psychological medicine, 40 (2), 143-151.

Joyce, M., Kells, M., Flynn, D., Wall, S., Boylan, E., & Dunne, L. (In press). Dialectical behaviour therapy: effect of a coordinated training and implementation approach on programme sustainability. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine.

Joyce, M., Kells, M., Boylan, E., Power, B., Wall, S., & Flynn, D. (In press). Hopelessness for family members of individuals with borderline personality disorder. Family Process.

Team Members Involved

Dr Mary Joyce, Ms Emily Boylan, Ms Bláthín Power, Ms Stephanie Wall, Ms Louise Dunne.