Project Overview
This study is a collaboration between the National Suicide Research Foundation and 50808. The study analysed pre-existing and routinely collected aggregate data associated with individual text conversations over a12-month period: 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021, including; service platform data (time/date), conversation issue tags (as recorded by helpline volunteers), and demographic classifiers (as self-reported by texters in the voluntary post-conversation survey).
Ethical approval was granted by the UCC Social Research Ethics Committee in March 2021.
This is the first such analysis of aggregate texter data from 50808 and the findings may be used to shape future service delivery, to inform public policy and to facilitate a deeper understanding of crisis support need in Ireland and the role technology can play.
Project Aims
- Explore profile of texters in terms of demographics, time and date of text conversations and presenting issues.
- Explore the connection between presenting issues and engagement of the ‘active rescue’ protocol.
Team Members Involved
Ms Fenella Ryan, Mr Niall McTernan, Dr Paul Corcoran