WHO Collaborating Centre


In December 2015, the NSRF was initially designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Surveillance and Research in Suicide Prevention, a further four years was awarded in 2019. Following a rigorous evaluation process in 2023, the re-designation was approved for an additional four years.

The remit of WHO Collaborating centres is to conduct research and evaluation, and provide technical guidance to the WHO.

The aim is to enhance countries’ capacity to develop and implement national policies and plans in line with the 2013–2020 global mental health action plan. Mental health promotion, prevention, treatment and recovery services improved through advocacy, better guidance and tools on integrated mental health service are stated WHO outputs.

What does a WHO Collaborating Centre do?

A Work Plan has been agreed between the NSRF and the WHO. The remit of WHO Collaborating centres is to conduct research and evaluation, and provide technical guidance to the WHO. The aim is to enhance countries’ capacity to develop and implement national policies and plans in line with the 2013–2020 global mental health action plan.

Project Aims

  • Development and implementation of surveillance systems of suicide and suicide attempts
  • Implementation and evaluation of national suicide prevention programmes
  • Training and education in suicide and suicide attempt surveillance, research and prevention
  • Increasing awareness of suicide prevention among governments, stakeholders and the general public
  • Providing advice and sharing resources in suicide research and prevention with countries globally.

Examples of Work Completed

  • In 2018 and 2019, NSRF, in collaboration with the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse of the WHO, produced the Suicide Research and Prevention E-Learning Programme, based on the WHO Practice Manual. The work involved preparing different modules, including a training module with additional test vignettes. The E-Learning Programme launched in early 2019 and now facilitates training and capacity building in places where face-to-face training can be challenging.
  • At the request of WHO, the NSRF reviewed the National Action Plan for Suicide Prevention in Nepal, in January 2023.
  • Preparatory work has begun for technical support to the surveillance system for monitoring suicide attempts and self-harm based on hospital admission and the piloting of the system in Poland.
  • In 2023, the NSRF continued the PAHO/ WHO Office in Washington collaboration: consolidation and upscaling of self-harm surveillance in Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.

Team Members Involved

Prof Ella Arensman, Dr Eve Griffin, Eileen Williamson, Niall McTernan, Dr Isabela Troya, Eileen Hegarty, Dr Aileen Callanan