Suicide among Young People and Adults in Ireland: Method Characteristics, Toxicological Analysis and Substance Abuse Histories Compared
Arensman E, Bennardi M, Larkin C , Wall A, McAuliffe C et al. 2016. PLoS ONE, 11(11): e0166881.
Risk of repeated self-harm and associated factors in children, adolescents and young adults
Bennardi M, McMahon E, Corcoran P, Griffin E, Arensman E. 2016. BMC Psychiatry, 16(421).
Effectiveness of Depression–Suicidal Behaviour Gatekeeper Training among police officers in three European regions: Outcomes of the Optimising Suicide Prevention Programmes and Their Implementation in Europe (OSPI-Europe) study
Arensman E, Coffey C, Griffin E, Van Audenhove C, Scheerder G et al. 2016. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 62(7), 651-660.
Psychosocial interventions following self-harm in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Hawton K, Witt KG, Taylor Salisbury TL, Arensman E, Gunnell D et al. 2016. Lancet Psychiatry, 3(8), 740-750.
Suicide prevention strategies revisited: 10-year systematic review
Zalsman G, Hawton K, Wasserman D, van Heeringen K, Arensman E et al. 2016. Lancet Psychiatry, 3(7), 646–659.
Variation between hospitals in inpatient admission practices for self-harm patients and its impact on repeat presentation
Carroll R, Corcoran P, Griffin E, Perry IJ, Arensman E et al. 2016. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 51(11), 1485–1493.
Physical activity in European adolescents and associations with anxiety, depression and well‑being
McMahon E, Corcoran P, O’Regan G, Keeley H, Cannon M et al. 2016. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 26(1), 111-122
Psychosocial interventions for self-harm in adults (Review)
Hawton K, Witt KG, Taylor Salisbury TL, Arensman E, Gunnell D et al. 2016. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 5.
Overview evidence on interventions for population suicide with an eye to identifying best-supported strategies for LMICs
Fleischmann A, Arensman E, Berman A, Carli V, De Leo D et al. 2016. Global Mental Health, 3, e5, 1-8.
Exploring synergistic interactions and catalysts in complex interventions: longitudinal, mixed methods case studies of an optimised multi-level suicide prevention intervention in four European countries (Ospi-Europe)
Harris F, Maxwell M, O’Connor R, Coyne J, Arensman E et al. 2016. BMC Public Health, 16(268).