Our 5th annual World Mental Health Day Seminar took place on Thursday last week. Insightful conversations and innovative discussions abounded in the Dr Dora Allman Room in UCC as we heard from hugely informative national and international speakers.
We came together to share our experiences and our research related to mental health, self-harm and suicide in celebration of World Mental Health Day 2024.

Prof Alexandra Pitman from the University College of London Division of Psychiatry and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust, delivered the Dr Michael J Kelleher Memorial Lecture on ‘Temporal risk factors for suicide: anticipating & mitigating risk’.
Our Keynote Speaker, Dr Shane Mc Inerney, from the University of Galway and National Clinical Lead for Self-Harm and Suicide Related Ideation, presented ‘Findings from a Safety Planning Group Interventions and Updates on the National Clinical Programme for Self-Harm and Suicide related ideation.

In addition, we held three Masterclasses on:
- Engaging contributors in Lived Experience Research, facilitated by Dr Aileen Callanan and the NSRF Lived Experience Panel
- Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention in the Workplace, facilitated by Prof Ella Arensman and Dr Mallorie Leduc
- Interventions for specific subgroups who engage in self-harm, facilitated by Dr Mary Kells and Dr Eric Kelleher

This Seminar was organised by the NSRF, in particular members of the C-SSHRI team. C-SSHRI is a research community specific to suicide and self-harm, which aims to facilitate collaboration between researchers, help with disemmination of research findings and raise awareness of our research.
The C-SSHRI Network is always open to new members – you can learn more here.
With thanks to the Higher Education Authority of Ireland and the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention for their support of our event and of C-SSHRI.