Project Overview
The SHARE project commenced in February 2019 and is based on outcomes of the HRB funded research programme: Improving Prediction and Risk Assessment of Suicide and Self-Harm (IMPRESS). The IMPRESS study aims to improve the knowledge base on predictive risk factors associated with repeated self-harm and suicide among high-risk groups of self-harm patients in Ireland.
Some of the significant gaps from the IMPRESS study highlighted that family members of self-harm patients need more information and support. Also, that there is a need for increased awareness of self-harm and suicide associated risk and protective factors among first responders in Ireland.
Information obtained from the project’s evaluation will be used to enhance self-harm and suicide management. Findings will also be used to improve the content of the existing Suicide Support and Information website and through Seminars organised for relevant national stakeholders.
Project Aims
- To provide evidence-based information, support and enhance self-care skills among family members and carers of people who self-harm in Cork, Limerick, and Waterford.
- To address the knowledge exchange and skills enhancement among first responders and evaluate the outcome and sustainability of the training programme within the first responders’ role.
Prof Ella Arensman, Ms Eunice Philip, Prof Eugene Cassidy, Ms Karen Mulcahy.