Research into suicide, self-harm and associated mental health problems among young people has always been a priority for the NSRF, initially as part of the EU Daphne project to combat violence against children and young people. This was subsequently followed by the Child and Adolescent Self-Harm in Europe project (CASE, EU funded) and the Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE, EU funded) project.

Both the SEYLE project and the HSE funded Mind Yourself project had a particular focus on determining the effectiveness of mental health promotion programmes on reducing self-harm and suicidal ideation and improving mental health related outcomes, such as improved self-esteem, improved coping, reduced depressive and anxiety symptoms.

In recent years, further research has been conducted among young people, including Cyberbullying and young people: Behaviours, experiences, resolutions (CY:BER, HRB-funded), and the HRB-funded research project, Investigating the iceberg model of self-harm and suicide in children, adolescents and young adults: a multi-method study of predictors of onset, escalation and premature mortality.

Reports on these projects are available in our Publications and Outputs section.

An extensive track record and expertise in research related to suicide, self-harm and young people has been built up by NSRF staff members over the past 20 years, supporting the establishment of this specific research cluster.

Current Projects