Zara began working as a Research Officer with the National Suicide Research Foundation in 2024. Her role involves undertaking research on NOSP funded projects relating to Service Evaluation.
Zara graduated from a BA in Psychology and Sociology in 2022 and the MSc in Psychological Science (Clinical Stream) in 2023 at the University of Limerick.
Before beginning her role with the NSRF, she worked on a pilot programme involving the introduction of Assistant Psychologists into secondary schools across Limerick and Clare. Zara also undertook research internships at the Department of Psychology at the University of Limerick during her BA and MSc which ignited a love for research within her.
She also worked as a research assistant on two different projects with the Department of Psychology in UL following the completion of her MSc.
Zara had the opportunity to present her MSc thesis at three Psychological Society of Ireland conferences in 2023. In 2024, Zara was elected as a committee member onto the Psychological Society of Ireland’s Early Graduate Group.